Rain, Soap, NEW Recipe, Weeding!

Old Fashioned Ways in a Modern World

a homesteading newsletter by Laura Lawrence

Welcome July and the garden is growing! Despite of the rain..oh the rain... the garden is growing. Some of my bean leaves are yellow due to the rain, but they'll recover. Are you growing a garden this year? How has it been for you compared to previous years?

I mentioned before that my husband took off last week for holiday and I'm sure you were wondering what we did. Well let me fill you in- we processed chickens (only half, waiting for the others to fatten up for a week or two), we rebuilt our compost pile (it doesn't get any better does it?) We did however go out on the boat once and to the beach, so that was fun.

Catching Up...

Piggy Soap

I'm really excited to launch a new endeavor- my Piggy Soap! It's an all natural, pure and lathers wonderfully! You can read all about it, buy some to support local & my efforts to spread the word of old fashioned ways!


Here is my latest video on how I tackle the weeds, it's a follow up to my popular part one video.

Recipe- NEW

Your probably wondering why I’m calling this a Poor Man’s recipe aren’t you? Well typically pesto calls for pine nuts which can be quite costly, it also calls for basil which at times I can not get to grow or I’m only growing holy basil aka tulsi so I do not typically have it on hand, plus ya’ll I just want my pesto simple with the ingredients I have on hand! So Voila! Poor Man’s Garlic Scape Pesto Recipe.

Kitchen Tip

I'm not sure why this took me so long to realize this but for years I cooked my noodles and cut them up in the bowl for my kids (when they were little), but finally I now break them up into smaller pieces before placing them in the boiling water. No cutting up necessary afterwards, boy does it save time.

What's Your Tip? I'd love to hear one!

Your Food Loving Friend,
Laura Lawrence

Northern Michigan Homesteader

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Old Fashioned Ways in a Modern World a homesteading newsletter by Laura Lawrence Hello friends!As the summer is winding down I'm finding myself swamped in harvesting, canning and projects up the wim wam before winter sets in. Today I bring to you my FAVORITE herb and why it should be yours to! It's a power house So many benefits Beautiful and Easy to grow and harvest!BOOM! Calendula! Check out the video below plus a new blog post Recent articles Video Learn how to grow, harvest, create...

Old Fashioned Ways in a Modern World a homesteading newsletter by Laura Lawrence Hi friends! As the pendulum swings from summer to fall I feel torn..... Do you feel the pull between long summer days full of sunshine, exhaustion and fun to the slower cooler days of fall? I know I certainly do! Trying to fit in those summer activities, enjoy the dwindling bright sun, harvesting and preserving all the crops is a tough job both mentally and physically. I'm also looking forward to a routine (well...

Old Fashioned Ways in a Modern World a homesteading newsletter by Laura Lawrence Hi 👋! Summer is waving good bye and the fall weather has set in here in Northern Michigan. Some mornings have been quite brisk! I'm busy harvesting what I'm able to, getting ready to homeschool my 3 kids and taking advantage of every single ray of sunshine coming down. What are some things you want to accomplish before winter hits? I need to create a new mushroom bed to place my wine cap spawn into so I can have...